Even the humble Pub Quiz is not immune.

Sinead Moriarty Newspaper Article.

The demise of the humble pub quiz.


The writing is on the wall for the humble pub quiz as well now.

In a hilarious, but true piece, Sinead Moriarty writes in the Irish Independent about the death of the pub quiz as we know it. And the cause. Yes, you guessed it, the mobile phone.

Well in fairness it was always going to happen. Technology has a way of catching up in every area. When you have more computing power in your pocket than the whole of NASA had during the moon landings, it is too much temptation not to really.

More telling though is the fact that in normal conversation, in the pub or elsewhere, you can’t have a spirited conversation without somebody deciding ‘to check out the facts’ on their mobile phone. She also asks the question do people remember phone numbers and dates anymore or stop for directions or ‘even how to write’.

Thought provoking stuff.



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