Not all Doom and Gloom.

Pic of premises in 1991 and today

The Centenary Stores in Wexford in 1991, and as it is today.

I took a trip to Wexford last week in the 23 degree sunshine on a research and fact-finding mission and came across a most wondrous sight. I stumbled on a pub that was in the throes of not only renovation, but also expansion.

I first came across the Centenary Stores in Wexford Town 21 years ago, when I was doing research for the book, The Famous and Historical Pubs of the South East. It had just undergone a major bout of modernization at the time. That was 1991. Last week workmen were busy finishing off a rather smart addition to the outside of the premises, an attractive outside dining space, sun and smoking room.

The Pub, although centrally located, is positioned on a narrow site down a side street just off the quays so the owners were obviously disadvantaged when it came to expansion. This is a very clever new addition and it gives the pub the look and feel of the Mediterranean. People were already dining alfresco and enjoying the wonderful south-eastern sunshine. At least they were when I was there anyway. Lets hope the weather continues to oblige. Its great to see that such innovation and courage in these trying times.

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